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About forecasting staffing requirements

You can set up Activity Calendars to define each shift and each person who works that shift. If your customer volume is pretty much the same every day that may be the easiest way to build your schedule. However,

  • if your volume is different from day to day, or month to month
  • if your industry has a regulated minimum staffing requirement
  • if you find that sometimes you have too many or too few staff

then using the Demand Based Staffing feature may save you time and money. The Demand Based Staffing feature lets you set up an Activity and define when it needs doing. Then you tell Cooperation how many customers you are expecting during defined periods and how many customers one employee can serve or handle. Cooperation will automatically build the schedule from that information. Anytime you project a change in your volume, all you need to do is go to the Forecast screen and enter the new volume.

  • You don't need to review everyone's schedule to see can afford more hours
  • You don't need to review everyone's schedule to see who to cut back
  • You don't even need to figure out if you need to hire someone new - Cooperation will tell you how many people you need, how many are available and how many shifts need additional staff.
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