Review trades you have sent
When you have sent some trades you may want to review them and even cancel the offers. Here is how you do that. Note that once one of your offers for a shift is accepted the other offers are cancelled automatically by us
Navigate to your schedule
On your schedule page you can review your assignments and make trades
- Click the logo in the center of the menu at the top of the screen to change to your overview page
Choose a shift to with offers to review
When you want to see trades you've sent or accept a trade offer you can find it in your schedule and then click on it.
Click the shift and then click the Review trades button.
See what trade offers you have out for this shift
You can see, accept, & cancel trade offers on the Trade offers tab
Click the Trade offers tab.
Then click Next to continue.
Cancel, or just review trades you have for this shift
This table shows which trades for this shift are still open or not.
It is the place to come if you want to cancel a trade offer through the web
If you want to cancel a trade do that here by clicking the X next to the trade in the table.
Otherwise click Next to continue
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