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Change availability

Click on "Your Profile" under the Settings section to add, remove, or just change your availability. If you're not available you won't be scheduled. You may be asked to come in and work when you're not available, but it shouldn't happen too often

  1. Add some availability

    Here is how to add availability.

    1. Find the date you want then click to open the editor
    2. Type the start and end times for the event in the boxes
      • Events must be at least 15 minutes long and can be 36 hours long.
    3. Click the Repeat tab and let us know when the event should repeat. Almost all events should repeat.

      In the Event Calendar window that appears, choose your desired settings. If this is an existing event, check which days are already selected and correct or add the appropriate days. If it is a new event, add the appropriate parameters.

      Use these buttons:

      and the options they expose to adjust the repeat interval. Each interval has different settings and you should be able to have the event repeat whenever you want. Keep in mind that you can have more than one event per role or employee so you may need to have more than one event to have your desired dates.

      Additional Repeat Settings

      Check the appropriate radio button and enter a value in the Ends after or End by fields to create that many events in your series, including the initial event.

      Enter an end date to make sure that the series does not repeat past that date. If your series doesn't end evenly on that date (such as a weekly event on Wednesdays, where the end date is a Friday), Cooperation will end the series on the nearest event date before this date.

    4. Change the event colors

      This is optional, but some people like to do it. Once the event editor is open

      1. Click the Colors tab
      2. Select the background color for the event when it is available
      3. Select the background color for the event when it is scheduled

      We take care of choosing the font color so it is readable

    5. Change existing availability

      You can change your existing availability for any date if you're not already scheduled. Here's how

      1. Click the event you want to edit to open the event editor
      2. Type the start and end times for the event in the boxes
        • Events must be at least 15 minutes long and can be 36 hours long.
      3. Click the Repeat tab and let us know when the event should repeat. Almost all events should repeat.

        In the Event Calendar window that appears, choose your desired settings. If this is an existing event, check which days are already selected and correct or add the appropriate days. If it is a new event, add the appropriate parameters.

        Use these buttons:

        and the options they expose to adjust the repeat interval. Each interval has different settings and you should be able to have the event repeat whenever you want. Keep in mind that you can have more than one event per role or employee so you may need to have more than one event to have your desired dates.

        Additional Repeat Settings

        Check the appropriate radio button and enter a value in the Ends after or End by fields to create that many events in your series, including the initial event.

        Enter an end date to make sure that the series does not repeat past that date. If your series doesn't end evenly on that date (such as a weekly event on Wednesdays, where the end date is a Friday), Cooperation will end the series on the nearest event date before this date.

      4. Change the event colors

        This is optional, but some people like to do it. Once the event editor is open

        1. Click the Colors tab
        2. Select the background color for the event when it is available
        3. Select the background color for the event when it is scheduled

        We take care of choosing the font color so it is readable

      Ask us a question.

      We will respond promptly.

      Include your email address so we can follow up