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Edit a role's shift calendar

  1. Click on Roles
  2. View or edit the details of the role by clicking on the name of the role
  3. Expand  Role shift calendar
    Any existing shifts will be shown.

    By default, the dates shown will start with today. 

    • click on  to change the start and end dates shown
    • click  to set the new dates
    • click  Day  Week to show a week or  Month to show a month of days shown
    Alternatively you can use the arrows to go forward and back in time or the Today to go to today.

  4. Create calendar events
         a. Click on + New shift on'Day'
    1. Create repeat calendar events from a single entry

      If you want the event to repeat on different days at the same time as the first day, you can use the Repeat Event function.

      1. Click on the Repeat Event tab to open the Repeat Event window
      2. Edit repeat parameters

        Choose your desired settings. If this is an existing event, check which days are already selected and correct or add the appropriate days. If it is a new event, add the appropriate parameters. If you don't see your preferred interval, choose the closest interval to see additional customization options.

      3. Set end dates for repeated calendar events

        Check the appropriate radio button or enter a value in the Ends after or End by fields to create the correct number of events in your series, including the initial event. Or click the radio button for no end date.

        Enter an end date to make sure that the series does not repeat past that date. If your series doesn't end evenly on that date (such as a weekly event on Wednesdays, where the end date is a Friday), Cooperation will end the series on the nearest event date before this date.

      4. Click on when you have finished entering all the parameters for this event.
  5. Click on to know how to Add Role Shift
  6. Create repeat calendar events from a single entry

    If you want the event to repeat on different days at the same time as the first day, you can use the Repeat Event function.

    1. Click on the Repeat Event tab to open the Repeat Event window
    2. Edit repeat parameters

      Choose your desired settings. If this is an existing event, check which days are already selected and correct or add the appropriate days. If it is a new event, add the appropriate parameters. If you don't see your preferred interval, choose the closest interval to see additional customization options.

    3. Set end dates for repeated calendar events

      Check the appropriate radio button or enter a value in the Ends after or End by fields to create the correct number of events in your series, including the initial event. Or click the radio button for no end date.

      Enter an end date to make sure that the series does not repeat past that date. If your series doesn't end evenly on that date (such as a weekly event on Wednesdays, where the end date is a Friday), Cooperation will end the series on the nearest event date before this date.

    4. Click on when you have finished entering all the parameters for this event.
  7. Change the colors of the events

    Cooperation shows periods where an event is available to be scheduled in different colors than 'assigned shifts' . You can change the default colors by clicking on the Colors tab and choosing colors from the color wheel for the different states.

    By clicking on the color you want on the color wheel, the respective code will be entered into the table. Many users keep the allocated shift color the same while changing the available colors for each role. Color coding the different roles can make the Schedule easier to read.

    The Role Calendar is where you specify when the role's shifts happen. Each shift creates the requirement for a single employee to work this role on the date and times recorded. You can, however, create multiple events for the same role so if you have, say, 3 cooks who work the same shift, create 3 events for that shift. Alternatively, if your customer volume and therefore staffing needs varies over the course of the week or month it may be easier to use our Forecasted Demand feature where you tell Cooperation how many customers are expected on a given day and how many customers one employee can serve. Cooperation will build the schedule based on this information as well as on the shifts you create to define when you need the job done. If your projected volume changes, you simply change the entry in Cooperation and the software automatically accounts for the change. Forecasted Demand will help you avoid over and under staffing with a lot less work than any manual way of figuring it out and save you money as well. If you work in a regulated environment it will also ensure you meet whatever minimum standards exist for your industry. 
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